Are you a commercial truck driver looking for discounts on tolls? You may be eligible for discounts depending on the type of toll and the state you are driving in. Cash rates vary slightly in both directions, but vehicles can open the road. However, there are no discounts for commercial vehicles on exclusive lanes. The Truck Volume Discount program offers a 10% discount on off-peak E-ZPass toll rates for E-ZPass customers from New Jersey or New York who have a business or business account. This discount applies only to vehicles in classes 2 to 6 that make 100 or more trips during off-peak hours at the Port Authority's facilities during a billing cycle.
Discounts will be credited directly to eligible accounts, so there is no need to register for the program. Commercial and passenger vehicles will receive a 30% discount on Thruway tolls (the discount applies only to transactions with E-ZPass NY tags). By paying electronically with a transponder and maintaining a positive balance in a prepaid account, customers automatically receive a 25% discount on off-peak toll rates at Midpoint and Cape Coral toll stations. If you are a commercial truck driver looking for discounts on tolls, it is important to know what type of toll you are dealing with and what state you are driving in. The Truck Volume Discount program offers a 10% discount on off-peak E-ZPass toll rates for E-ZPass customers from New Jersey or New York who have a business or business account. Additionally, commercial and passenger vehicles will receive a 30% discount on Thruway tolls with an E-ZPass NY tag.
Finally, customers who pay electronically with a transponder and maintain a positive balance in a prepaid account can get a 25% discount on off-peak toll rates at Midpoint and Cape Coral toll stations.