How to Pay for Commercial Truck Tolls: A Comprehensive Guide

Trucking companies have a variety of options when it comes to paying for tolls. From toll tags to cash, card, or other accepted payment methods, there are plenty of ways to cover the cost of tolls. Learn more about how trucking companies can pay for their tolls wit

How to Pay for Commercial Truck Tolls: A Comprehensive Guide

Trucking companies have a variety of options when it comes to paying for tolls. From toll tags to cash, card, or other accepted payment methods, there are plenty of ways to cover the cost of tolls. To make the process easier and more efficient, many trucking companies integrate a toll API into their fleet routes. This helps them save time and money. For those who use E-ZPass, traveling on the Pennsylvania Turnpike is even more convenient.

With E-ZPass, you don't have to worry about waiting for bills in the mail. Instead, tolls are paid automatically as you drive. The Pennsylvania Turnpike classifies commercial vehicles and charges tolls based on gross vehicle weight, distance traveled, and number of axles. New research has revealed that the costs of toll facilities are high and that a large portion of toll revenues go to unrelated transportation expenses. This has caused a stir in the trucking industry, as drivers are forced to pay mandatory rates. Truck tolls can range from a few dollars to hundreds of dollars, depending on the length of the toll road and the type of vehicle.

The report used GPS data from trucks to quantify the impact of tolls on the trucking industry, from shorter trips within a state to interstate commerce.

Electronic Toll Collection (ETC)

Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) is a cashless toll collection method that uses transponders or license plate readers to facilitate payment without having to stop at a toll booth. This eliminates the need for drivers to stop and pay in cash and instead bills them by mail after video cameras capture their license plate number if they don't have a transponder. The American Institute for Transportation Research (ATRI), the research organization of the American Trucking Association, recently released a report on how much money toll facilities generate and how much is reinvested in facilities. The report found that 21 toll systems, representing approximately 81.7% of the total in the United States, generate an average of $1.3 billion in annual revenue.

How to Pay for Truck Tolls

Trucking companies can pay for their tolls with a variety of methods, depending on the toll service. At the payment station or use an application such as the Tollsmart toll calculator for trucks to make automated payments via your smartphone or tablet (if supported by the toll operator).

For those who use E-ZPass, you can open an account specifically for commercial vehicle customers who are not currently enrolled in any other e-ZPass program and who are not eligible for volume toll discounts or who do not want to deposit a deposit.

Opposition to Tolls

The Arkansas Trucking Association has opposed tolls as a source of infrastructure funding and has cited new research that studies 21 toll systems, representing approximately 81.7% of the total in the United States.

Nancy Romlinghoven
Nancy Romlinghoven

Extreme food nerd. Incurable beer ninja. Internetaholic. Devoted twitter nerd. Lifelong analyst.