How Much Do Semi Trucks Pay in Tolls in New York City?

Find out how much semi trucks pay in tolls in New York City. Learn about the different bridges and tunnels that require a toll for 2- to 9-axle trucks.

How Much Do Semi Trucks Pay in Tolls in New York City?

Toll prices for semi trucks in New York City can vary depending on the bridge, tunnel, or highway they are travelling on. The George Washington Bridge, Verrazano Bridge, Tappan Zee Bridge, Gateway Bridge, Ambassador Bridges, and Holland Tunnel all have different tolls for 2- to 9-axle trucks. Payment methods accepted at these tolls can include cash, card, or other payment methods. Trucking companies in the United States, Canada, and Mexico also have to pay tolls on highways, express lanes, and bridges.

California tolls, Illinois tolls, New York tolls, Pennsylvania Turnpike Delaware tolls Maryland tolls Pennsylvania tolls Lincoln Tunnel Golden Gate Bridge Verrazano Bridge Florida tolls New Jersey tolls Texas tolls Holland Pike Tunnel New Jersey Turnpike Chicago Skyway are all examples of places where semi trucks have to pay a toll.

Nancy Romlinghoven
Nancy Romlinghoven

Extreme food nerd. Incurable beer ninja. Internetaholic. Devoted twitter nerd. Lifelong analyst.