How Much Do Commercial Truck Tolls Cost?

Tolls for commercial trucks can range from a few dollars to hundreds of dollars. Learn how to calculate truck toll rates and fees with a truck toll calculator.

How Much Do Commercial Truck Tolls Cost?

Tolls for trucks can vary greatly, depending on the length of the toll road and the type of vehicle. For commercial trucks, you can use a truck toll calculator to get an accurate estimate of the total cost of the trip. This includes tolls, gas, labor, and other charges. The calculator works with 2 to 9-axle trucks or semi-trailers that travel through the United States, Canada and Mexico with tolls such as the Verrazano Bridge, the George Washington Bridge, the Tappan Zee Bridge, the Throgs Neck Bridge, the Hugh L Carey Tunnel, the Holland Tunnel and the 407 ETR.

When it comes to paying for these tolls, trucking companies have several options. They can pay with cash, card, or other payment methods accepted by the toll. Depending on the toll road, some may also offer discounts for commercial vehicles. It's important to note that tolls are not just limited to highways and bridges.

Some states also charge tolls on express lanes and tunnels. For example, in California, drivers must pay a fee to use certain express lanes. Overall, understanding how much commercial truck tolls cost is essential for trucking companies to plan their routes and budget accordingly. With a truck toll calculator, they can easily get an estimate of their total costs and plan accordingly.

Nancy Romlinghoven
Nancy Romlinghoven

Extreme food nerd. Incurable beer ninja. Internetaholic. Devoted twitter nerd. Lifelong analyst.