The Benefits of Commercial Truck Tolls: A Comprehensive Guide

Trucking companies are starting to have a harder time paying higher truck tolls due to increasing prices. Learn how services like Bestpass can help manage these costs while maximizing time & safety.

The Benefits of Commercial Truck Tolls: A Comprehensive Guide

Establishing tolls can help make transportation more efficient and reduce negative impacts during the transportation of goods. Tolls often generate revenue for a budget without negatively affecting the price of goods. However, as toll prices rise, all of this could change. Trucking companies are starting to have a harder time paying higher tolls.

Are you and your transportation company ready for these changes? Truck tolls are fees charged by states to fund road maintenance and maintenance infrastructure. The license plate toll also adds costs to the business of managing a toll road. And toll facilities pass on those costs through significantly higher charges for toll plate transactions. Comparatively, transponder tolling uses RFID technology, which is not affected by weather or customer identification and requires no labor.

For fleet managers, toll management plays an important role in controlling operating costs, which is why services like Bestpass have gained a lot of ground. Bestpass serves the trucking industry as a provider of toll management solutions and as a provider of payment platforms for commercial fleets in North America. Bestpass, which covers 100% of the major toll roads in the United States, is touted as a “truly national solution”, with flexible coverage options for both local and regional fleets. In addition to toll management, Bestpass has also launched numerous products in recent months to help fleet managers across the country.

Here's a closer look at what Bestpass does and whether or not they might be useful to you and your fleet. Owner-operators across the country often wonder when exactly they begin to qualify as a “fleet” and can therefore access and use the various platforms that exist designed for fleet owners and managers. While Bestpass is aimed at fleets, especially larger fleets, anyone can benefit from Bestpass if they travel regularly on toll roads. Owner-operators with just one vehicle can continue to enjoy discounts. You'll also benefit from Bestpass customer service and other assistance to help you keep your eyes and mind on the road while running your business. By working with U.

S. toll authorities, these improved discounts are available for fleets of all sizes, and Bestpass says you'll get the same discount whether you drive one vehicle or drive a thousand. Bestpass isn't the only service of its kind, although it has done its best to differentiate itself. EZPass is another common service, but Bestpass says it's more flexible.

With coast-to-coast coverage and the need for a single device and an invoice, Bestpass aims to simplify the entire process of managing tolls and discounts. They also promote excellent customer service. If you've never used a service like Bestpass before, don't be intimidated by the idea of additional administrative or administrative work. Bestpass is designed to help simplify toll management, not to complicate it. In general, the process is more or less like this: request a quote if you're interested in the service and compare it to similar services currently on the market to ensure your fleet gets a good deal. As a family-owned commercial trucking company, Suppose U Drive offers long-term leasing, short-term rental and fleet maintenance programs to a wide variety of Southern California customers.

This is the most common method for determining tolls in the U. S.: counting the number of axles, with 5-axle single-trailer trucks as the most common configuration at the payment station or use an application such as Tollsmart Toll Calculator for Trucks to make automated payments via your smartphone or tablet (if supported by the toll operator).Trucking companies are the most affected by these increases in toll rates because legislators and toll facility managers view them as businesses, not as local residents who vote. With the current infrastructure plan created by President Trump, problems related to interstate tolls have become a typical conversation among truck drivers around the world. Learn how to control toll costs while maximizing your time and safety by downloading the free PrePass white paper, A Guide to Toll Costs for Trucks in the United States. This often comes as a surprise to many first-time truckers, but some toll centers, such as the Pennsylvania Turnpike, charge tolls to trucks by weight.

It differs from other types of truck tolls in that it eliminates the need for drivers to stop and pay in cash and instead bills them by mail after video cameras capture their license plate number if they don't have a transponder. While tolls can help improve highways and raise funds for new roads, truck drivers believe that tolls negatively affect their efficiency. Trucking companies pay tolls with toll tags, cash, card, or other accepted payment method, depending on the toll facility. Carriers also learn to balance the costs and benefits of using toll facilities and to take steps to challenge toll discrepancies and violations. Exactly how toll roads affect truck drivers and what can be done about them is an ongoing debate in the trucking industry. Truck tolls can range from a few dollars to hundreds of dollars depending on the length of the toll road and type of vehicle. So what can carriers do to reduce and even control their toll costs? The PrePass white paper “A Guide To Toll Costs For Trucks In The United States” helps answer this question.

Nancy Romlinghoven
Nancy Romlinghoven

Extreme food nerd. Incurable beer ninja. Internetaholic. Devoted twitter nerd. Lifelong analyst.