Do Commercial Truck Tolls Vary by Region?

Do commercial truck tolls vary by region? Learn more about how tolls are adjusted for passenger cars and commercial vehicles in different states.

Do Commercial Truck Tolls Vary by Region?

The adjustment of tolls for passenger cars on Governor Cuomo's bridge has been a hot topic of debate in recent years. But what about commercial truck tolls? Do they vary by region?The International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association (IBTTA) argues that, in many countries, infrastructure improvements financed by tolls have benefited the trucking industry more than they have harmed. As noted in the district court decision, “apart from RhodeWorks, no other documentary evidence reveals the existence of a toll system intended only for large commercial trucks”.Jennifer Walsh, IBTTA's director of communications, said the organization agrees with Rhode Island that commercial vehicles are the cause of most of the damage to infrastructure, and believes that the state's attempt to collect exclusive tolls for trucks meets all regulatory requirements. It is clear that commercial truck tolls vary from region to region. In some areas, such as Rhode Island, exclusive tolls are collected from large commercial trucks.

In other areas, such as New York, tolls are adjusted for both passenger cars and commercial vehicles. Ultimately, it is up to each state to decide how to best manage its infrastructure and collect revenue.

Nancy Romlinghoven
Nancy Romlinghoven

Extreme food nerd. Incurable beer ninja. Internetaholic. Devoted twitter nerd. Lifelong analyst.