Can Commercial Trucks Use the Lincoln Tunnel?

Are you a commercial truck driver looking to transport cargo through the Lincoln Tunnel? Learn more about the regulations and requirements for using this tunnel.

Can Commercial Trucks Use the Lincoln Tunnel?

Are you a commercial truck driver looking to transport cargo through the Lincoln Tunnel? If so, you should know that the center tube of the tunnel does not allow trucks. Operators who are carrying oversized or overweight cargo, or who wish to drive a convoy through the tunnel, must contact the 24-hour communications desk at (20) 617-8115 for approval before starting their trip. If you're wondering if there are any news, debates, or current events about the state of New Jersey that could affect your journey, rest assured that these are just rumors. The Port Authority will not make fun of you if you try to arrive by car.

The Lincoln Tunnel is a great way for commercial truck drivers to transport cargo from New Jersey to New York City. However, it is important to remember that trucks are not allowed in the center tube and that operators must contact the 24-hour communications desk for approval before starting their trip.

Nancy Romlinghoven
Nancy Romlinghoven

Extreme food nerd. Incurable beer ninja. Internetaholic. Devoted twitter nerd. Lifelong analyst.