Incentives for Using Commercial Truck Tolls

The Texas Trucking Association has recently announced a new partnership with SH 130 to provide discounts and incentives to companies that use toll roads. Learn more about this program and how it can help you save money on tolls.

Incentives for Using Commercial Truck Tolls

Are you a truck operator or fleet manager looking for incentives to use toll roads? If so, you're in luck! The Texas Trucking Association has recently announced a new partnership with SH 130 to provide discounts and incentives to companies that use toll roads. Under this program, E-PASS transponder transactions between 40 and 79 people will receive a 20% discount on tolls. Those over 80 years old will receive a 25% discount on tolls. PrePass Tolls is a comprehensive electronic toll payment and management service for trucks that don't need a bypass service.

This way, carriers can avoid weighing stations and pay truck tolls in a single account with consolidated invoices. When the truck enrolled in PrePass passes slowly through the toll lane, the transponder is read instantly and the corresponding toll amount is billed to the carrier's PrePass Plus account. INFORM Tolling is the industry's only data management tool designed to provide truck operators and fleet managers with practical information on tolls through a single, intuitive portal. The Texas Trucking Association's partnership with SH 130 is an excellent opportunity for truck operators and fleet managers to save money on tolls. With the discounts and incentives available, it's easy to see why so many companies are taking advantage of this program. So if you're looking for ways to save money on tolls, be sure to check out the Texas Trucking Association's partnership with SH 130.

Nancy Romlinghoven
Nancy Romlinghoven

Extreme food nerd. Incurable beer ninja. Internetaholic. Devoted twitter nerd. Lifelong analyst.